Hand crafted tube amplifier services of all sorts! Repairs, rewiring, designs, tagboards, cabinets and full custom creations.about me
I'm an amp hobbiest, weekend warrior. About 10 builds per year is as much as I make time for. By day, I'm an electrical engineer. My hobbies have always included guitars, wood working and electronics, which all come together in making top quality tube amps. If you have a question feel free to email me.General info about my custom amps is also available.
Click the pics for more details..."I got what I wanted and then some. Just turn it up about half way and sonic nirvana awaits you. Classic overdrive with a glassy, liquid shimmer." -- Dave Nix

"Got the amp today. Wow. Lovin it. Sounds great through a v30. Better than expected and the cab looks great. Anything else sitting on the "shelve?" I have GAS." -- John Painter

"mr.ruby-you have built two of the finest "tone monsters" i have ever played. wow. and i thought there would be a clear winner between the two and i of course was hoping it would be eva, but i knew how good the rocket sounded also. well, it was as you stated. both do well but are different flavors.the rocket seems to favor single coils more,while the express would take either s/c or humbuckers as well as pedals-the rocket doesn't like pedals-and it doesn't need them-they only subtract from the tone-wow.. seems like a rocket for rythym, express for leads-kudos sir, unfortunately now our ears (and tastes) are spoiled for other amps-clean to scream from the guitar volume control-rock on!!" -- John Painter

"All I can say is you did it again. Very nice." -- John Painter

"I just bought 'Marta' from Speck last night and she sounds amazing! I wanted to email you and thank you. One of the reasons that I wanted to buy her, aside from the fact that she may just be the best sounding amp I've ever played besides my '59 Bassman, is that I'd like to try my hand at building my own Express clone and I thought it would be easier if I had one that worked already as a reference." -- Andy Harrison

"Ava is a spectacular amp. I have a Vox clone, which does not have the warmth and smooth clarity of Ava. I took a peek under the hood and see that you do great work. If you want me to post a review at the amp garage or gear page, let me know. It would be 100% glowing." -- Jake

"I got Gary's amp and unpacked it. Couldn't help but tubin' it up and pluggin' it in. OMG does that thing sound good, I guess you need to make me one of those... Played with a couple of pedals in front of it, man this thing sounds good. If you knew how many amps I have had and still have you would get a hint of what a compliment this is." -- Sam Cannon

"Just wanted to tell you how great the express is! I'm so stoked with both of the amps you built for Gary and I." -- Sam Cannon

"With this amp I shall rip the fabric of the space time continuum. The universe will stop expanding and begin to contract. Time will run backwards and send all normal man (with no PAUL RUBY amp) into a primordial like primate state. With my amp I shall dominate all evil in the universe. Then I shall step aside and KNEEL before your greatness as the SUPREME OMNIPOTENT EVIL OF ALL EVILS!!" -- Daniel Bollino

what next?
If you have a question, feel free to email me. General info about my custom amps is also available.
content & layout © copyright paul ruby 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
all rights reserved
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